A Novel Center-based Deep Contrastive Metric Learning Method for the Detection of Polymicrogyria in Pediatric Brain MRI

by   Lingfeng Zhang, et al.

Polymicrogyria (PMG) is a disorder of cortical organization mainly seen in children, which can be associated with seizures, developmental delay and motor weakness. PMG is typically diagnosed on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) but some cases can be challenging to detect even for experienced radiologists. In this study, we create an open pediatric MRI dataset (PPMR) with PMG and controls from the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), Ottawa, Canada. The differences between PMG MRIs and control MRIs are subtle and the true distribution of the features of the disease is unknown. This makes automatic detection of cases of potential PMG in MRI difficult. We propose an anomaly detection method based on a novel center-based deep contrastive metric learning loss function (cDCM) which enables the automatic detection of cases of potential PMG. Additionally, based on our proposed loss function, we customize a deep learning model structure that integrates dilated convolution, squeeze-and-excitation blocks and feature fusion for our PPMR dataset. Despite working with a small and imbalanced dataset our method achieves 92.01 at 55.04 radiologists to select potential PMG MRIs. To the best of our knowledge, this research is the first to apply machine learning techniques to identify PMG from MRI only.


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