A Non-iterative Spatio-temporal Multi-task Assignments based Collision-free Trajectories for Music Playing Robots

by   Shridhar Velhal, et al.

In this paper, a non-iterative spatio-temporal multi-task assignment approach is used for playing the piano music by a team of robots. This paper considers the piano playing problem, in which an algorithm needs to compute the trajectories for a dynamically sized team of robots who will play the musical notes by traveling through the specific locations associated with musical notes at their respective specific times. A two-step dynamic resource allocation based on a spatio-temporal multi-task assignment problem (DREAM), has been implemented to assign robots for playing the musical tune. The algorithm computes the required number of robots to play the music in the first step. In the second step, optimal assignments are computed for the updated team of robots, which minimizes the total distance traveled by the team. Furthermore, if robots are operating in Euclidean space, then the solution of DREAM approach provides collision-free trajectories, and the same has been proven. The working of DREAM approach has been illustrated with the help of the high fidelity simulations in Gazebo operated using ROS2. The result clearly shows that the DREAM approach computes the required number of robots and assigns multiple tasks to robots in at most two step. The simulation of the robots playing music, using computed assignments, is demonstrated in the attached video. video link: <https://youtu.be/XToicNm-CO8>


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