A New Baseline for GreenAI: Finding the Optimal Sub-Network via Layer and Channel Pruning

by   Xiaoying Zhi, et al.

The concept of Green AI has been gaining attention within the deep learning community given the recent trend of ever larger and more complex neural network models. Some large models have billions of parameters causing the training time to take up to hundreds of GPU/TPU-days. The estimated energy consumption can be comparable to the annual total energy consumption of a standard household. Existing solutions to reduce the computational burden usually involve pruning the network parameters, however, they often create extra overhead either by iterative training and fine-tuning for static pruning or repeated computation of a dynamic pruning graph. We propose a new parameter pruning strategy that finds the effective group of lightweight sub-networks that minimizes the energy cost while maintaining comparable performances to the full network on given downstream tasks. Our proposed pruning scheme is green-oriented, such that the scheme only requires one-off training to discover the optimal static sub-networks by dynamic pruning methods. The pruning scheme consists of a lightweight, differentiable, and binarized gating module and novel loss functions to uncover sub-networks with user-defined sparsity. Our method enables pruning and training simultaneously, which saves energy in both the training and inference phases and avoids extra computational overhead from gating modules at inference time. Our results on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 suggest that our scheme can remove  50 reduction in classification accuracy. Compared to other related pruning methods, our method has a lower accuracy drop for equivalent reductions in computational costs.


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