A Multi-Modal Wildfire Prediction and Personalized Early-Warning System Based on a Novel Machine Learning Framework

by   Rohan Tan Bhowmik, et al.

Wildfires are increasingly impacting the environment, human health and safety. Among the top 20 California wildfires, those in 2020-2021 burned more acres than the last century combined. California's 2018 wildfire season caused damages of 148.5 billion. Among millions of impacted people, those living with disabilities (around 15 impacted due to inadequate means of alerts. In this project, a multi-modal wildfire prediction and personalized early warning system has been developed based on an advanced machine learning architecture. Sensor data from the Environmental Protection Agency and historical wildfire data from 2012 to 2018 have been compiled to establish a comprehensive wildfire database, the largest of its kind. Next, a novel U-Convolutional-LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) neural network was designed with a special architecture for extracting key spatial and temporal features from contiguous environmental parameters indicative of impending wildfires. Environmental and meteorological factors were incorporated into the database and classified as leading indicators and trailing indicators, correlated to risks of wildfire conception and propagation respectively. Additionally, geological data was used to provide better wildfire risk assessment. This novel spatio-temporal neural network achieved >97 vs. around 76 predicting 2018's five most devastating wildfires 5-14 days in advance. Finally, a personalized early warning system, tailored to individuals with sensory disabilities or respiratory exacerbation conditions, was proposed. This technique would enable fire departments to anticipate and prevent wildfires before they strike and provide early warnings for at-risk individuals for better preparation, thereby saving lives and reducing economic damages.


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