A local parallel communication algorithm for polydisperse rigid body dynamics

by   Sebastian Eibl, et al.

The simulation of large ensembles of particles is usually parallelized by partitioning the domain spatially and using message passing to communicate between the processes handling neighboring subdomains. The particles are represented as individual geometric objects and are associated to the subdomains. Handling collisions and migrating particles between subdomains, as required for proper parallel execution, requires a complex communication protocol. Typically, the parallelization is restricted to handling only particles that are smaller than a subdomain. In many applications, however, particle sizes may vary drastically with some of them being larger than a subdomain. In this article we propose a new communication and synchronization algorithm that can handle the parallelization without size restrictions on the particles. Despite the additional complexity and extended functionality, the new algorithm introduces only minimal overhead. We demonstrate the scalability of the previous and the new communication algorithms up to almost two million parallel processes and for handling ten billion (1e10) geometrically resolved particles on a state-of-the-art petascale supercomputer. Different scenarios are presented to analyze the performance of the new algorithm and to demonstrate its capability to simulate polydisperse scenarios, where large individual particles can extend across several subdomains.


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