A Hierarchical Self-Attentive Model for Recommending User-Generated Item Lists

by   Yun He, et al.

User-generated item lists are a popular feature of many different platforms. Examples include lists of books on Goodreads, playlists on Spotify and YouTube, collections of images on Pinterest, and lists of answers on question-answer sites like Zhihu. Recommending item lists is critical for increasing user engagement and connecting users to new items, but many approaches are designed for the item-based recommendation, without careful consideration of the complex relationships between items and lists. Hence, in this paper, we propose a novel user-generated list recommendation model called AttList. Two unique features of AttList are careful modeling of (i) hierarchical user preference, which aggregates items to characterize the list that they belong to, and then aggregates these lists to estimate the user preference, naturally fitting into the hierarchical structure of item lists; and (ii) item and list consistency, through a novel self-attentive aggregation layer designed for capturing the consistency of neighboring items and lists to better model user preference. Through experiments over three real-world datasets reflecting different kinds of user-generated item lists, we find that AttList results in significant improvements in NDCG, Precision@k, and Recall@k versus a suite of state-of-the-art baselines. Furthermore, all code and data are available at https://github.com/heyunh2015/AttList.


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