A Hash Table Without Hash Functions, and How to Get the Most Out of Your Random Bits

by   William Kuszmaul, et al.

This paper considers the basic question of how strong of a probabilistic guarantee can a hash table, storing n (1 + Θ(1)) log n-bit key/value pairs, offer? Past work on this question has been bottlenecked by limitations of the known families of hash functions: The only hash tables to achieve failure probabilities less than 1 / 2^ n require access to fully-random hash functions – if the same hash tables are implemented using the known explicit families of hash functions, their failure probabilities become 1 / (n). To get around these obstacles, we show how to construct a randomized data structure that has the same guarantees as a hash table, but that avoids the direct use of hash functions. Building on this, we are able to construct a hash table using O(n) random bits that achieves failure probability 1 / n^n^1 - ϵ for an arbitrary positive constant ϵ. In fact, we show that this guarantee can even be achieved by a succinct dictionary, that is, by a dictionary that uses space within a 1 + o(1) factor of the information-theoretic optimum. Finally we also construct a succinct hash table whose probabilistic guarantees fall on a different extreme, offering a failure probability of 1 / (n) while using only Õ(log n) random bits. This latter result matches (up to low-order terms) a guarantee previously achieved by Dietzfelbinger et al., but with increased space efficiency and with several surprising technical components.


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