A GPS Pseudorange Based Cooperative Vehicular Distance Measurement Technique

by   Daiqin Yang, et al.

Accurate vehicular localization is important for various cooperative vehicle safety (CVS) applications such as collision avoidance, turning assistant, etc. In this paper, we propose a cooperative vehicular distance measurement technique based on the sharing of GPS pseudorange measurements and a weighted least squares method. The classic double difference pseudorange solution, which was originally designed for high-end survey level GPS systems, is adapted to low-end navigation level GPS receivers for its wide availability in ground vehicles. The Carrier to Noise Ratio (CNR) of raw pseudorange measurements are taken into account for noise mitigation. We present a Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) based mechanism to implement the exchange of pseudorange information among neighboring vehicles. As demonstrated in field tests, our proposed technique increases the accuracy of the distance measurement significantly compared with the distance obtained from the GPS fixes.


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