A framework for leveraging ChatGPT on programming tasks in energy systems

by   Ran Li, et al.

The rapid digitalization of energy sectors has led to a significant increase in coding tasks for engineers and researchers. This research article explores the potential of leveraging ChatGPT, an advanced AI language model, to revolutionize programming in the energy domain. Here, we propose a generic interactive programming framework based on ChatGPT, covering three distinct applications in energy systems ranging from simple to complex. For routine tasks such as daily unit commitment, ChatGPT can increase efficiency by automatic modelling, coding, debugging and scaling and thus re-ducing repetitive work. For complex tasks such as decentralized optimization of an integrated energy system (IES) where engineers have no prior knowledge, ChatGPT can reduce the learning cost by recommending appropriate algo-rithms. For new problems without readily available solutions such as ultra-fast unit commitment, ChatGPT can organize potential technology roadmap and provide algorithm recommendation and auto-coding for each step. The findings demonstrate the potential of ChatGPT as a powerful tool in the domain of energy sectors in terms of auto coding, new knowledge learning and new problem solving.


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