A Deep Learning Based Attack for The Chaos-based Image Encryption

by   Chen He, et al.

In this letter, as a proof of concept, we propose a deep learning-based approach to attack the chaos-based image encryption algorithm in guan2005chaos. The proposed method first projects the chaos-based encrypted images into the low-dimensional feature space, where essential information of plain images has been largely preserved. With the low-dimensional features, a deconvolutional generator is utilized to regenerate perceptually similar decrypted images to approximate the plain images in the high-dimensional space. Compared with conventional image encryption attack algorithms, the proposed method does not require to manually analyze and infer keys in a time-consuming way. Instead, we directly attack the chaos-based encryption algorithms in a key-independent manner. Moreover, the proposed method can be trained end-to-end. Given the chaos-based encrypted images, a well-trained decryption model is able to automatically reconstruct plain images with high fidelity. In the experiments, we successfully attack the chaos-based algorithm guan2005chaos and the decrypted images are visually similar to their ground truth plain images. Experimental results on both static-key and dynamic-key scenarios verify the efficacy of the proposed method.


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