A Constant-Factor Approximation Algorithm for Vertex Guarding a WV-Polygon

by   Stav Ashur, et al.

The problem of vertex guarding a simple polygon was first studied by Subir K. Ghosh (1987), who presented a polynomial-time O(log n)-approximation algorithm for placing as few guards as possible at vertices of a simple n-gon P, such that every point in P is visible to at least one of the guards. Ghosh also conjectured that this problem admits a polynomial-time algorithm with constant approximation ratio. Due to the centrality of guarding problems in the field of computational geometry, much effort has been invested throughout the years in trying to resolve this conjecture. Despite some progress (surveyed below), the conjecture remains unresolved to date. In this paper, we confirm the conjecture for the important case of weakly visible polygons, by presenting a (2+ε)-approximation algorithm for guarding such a polygon using vertex guards. A simple polygon P is weakly visible if it has an edge e, such that every point in P is visible from some point on e. We also present a (2+ε)-approximation algorithm for guarding a weakly visible polygon P, where guards may be placed anywhere on P's boundary (except in the interior of the edge e). Finally, we present a 3c-approximation algorithm for vertex guarding a polygon P that is weakly visible from a chord, given a subset G of P's vertices that guards P's boundary whose size is bounded by c times the size of a minimum such subset. Our algorithms are based on an in-depth analysis of the geometric properties of the regions that remain unguarded after placing guards at the vertices to guard the polygon's boundary. It is plausible that our results will enable Bhattacharya et al. to complete their grand attempt to prove the original conjecture, as their approach is based on partitioning the underlying simple polygon into a hierarchy of weakly visible polygons.


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