A Comprehensive Theory and Variational Framework for Anti-aliasing Sampling Patterns

by   A. Cengiz Öztireli, et al.

In this paper, we provide a comprehensive theory of anti-aliasing sampling patterns that explains and revises known results, and show how patterns as predicted by the theory can be generated via a variational optimization framework. We start by deriving the exact spectral expression for expected error in reconstructing an image in terms of power spectra of sampling patterns, and analyzing how the shape of power spectra is related to anti-aliasing properties. Based on this analysis, we then formulate the problem of generating anti-aliasing sampling patterns as constrained variational optimization on power spectra. This allows us to not rely on any parametric form, and thus explore the whole space of realizable spectra. We show that the resulting optimized sampling patterns lead to reconstructions with less visible aliasing artifacts, while keeping low frequencies as clean as possible.


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