A Closer Look at Art Mediums: The MAMe Image Classification Dataset

by   Ferran Parés, et al.

Art is an expression of human creativity, skill and technology. An exceptionally rich source of visual content. In the context of AI image processing systems, artworks represent one of the most challenging domains conceivable: Properly perceiving art requires attention to detail, a huge generalization capacity, and recognizing both simple and complex visual patterns. To challenge the AI community, this work introduces a novel image classification task focused on museum art mediums, the MAMe dataset. Data is gathered from three different museums, and aggregated by art experts into 29 classes of medium (i.e. materials and techniques). For each class, MAMe provides a minimum of 850 images (700 for training) of high-resolution and variable shape. The combination of volume, resolution and shape allows MAMe to fill a void in current image classification challenges, empowering research in aspects so far overseen by the research community. After reviewing the singularity of MAMe in the context of current image classification tasks, a thorough description of the task is provided, together with dataset statistics. Baseline experiments are conducted using well-known architectures, to highlight both the feasibility and complexity of the task proposed. Finally, these baselines are inspected using explainability methods and expert knowledge, to gain insight on the challenges that remain ahead.


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