A Block-Ring connected Topology of Parameterized Quantum Circuits

by   Wenjie Liu, et al.

It is essential to select efficient topology of parameterized quantum circuits (PQCs) in variational quantum algorithms (VQAs). However, there are problems in current circuits, i.e. optimization difficulties caused by too many parameters or performance is hard to guarantee. How to reduce the number of parameters (number of single-qubit rotation gates and 2-qubit gates) in PQCs without reducing the performance has become a new challenge. To solve this problem, we propose a novel topology, called Block-Ring (BR) topology, to construct the PQCs. This topology allocate all qubits to several blocks, all-to-all mode is adopt inside each block and ring mode is applied to connect different blocks. Compared with the pure all-to-all topology circuits which own the best power, BR topology have similar performance and the number of parameters and 2-qubit gate reduced from 0(n^2) to 0(mn) , m is a hyperparameter set by ourselves. Besides, we compared BR topology with other topology circuits in terms of expressibility and entangling capability. Considering the effects of different 2-qubit gates on circuits, we also make a distinction between controlled X-rotation gates and controlled Z-rotation gates. Finally, the 1- and 2-layer configurations of PQCs are taken into consideration as well, which shows the BR's performance improvement in the condition of multilayer circuits.


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