A Bayesian Joint model for Longitudinal DAS28 Scores and Competing Risk Informative Drop Out in a Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trial

by   Violeta G. Hennessey, et al.

Rheumatoid arthritis clinical trials are strategically designed to collect the disease activity score of each patient over multiple clinical visits, meanwhile a patient may drop out before their intended completion due to various reasons. The dropout terminates the longitudinal data collection on the patients activity score. In the presence of informative dropout, that is, the dropout depends on latent variables from the longitudinal process, simply applying a model to analyze the longitudinal outcomes may lead to biased results because the assumption of random dropout is violated. In this paper we develop a data driven Bayesian joint model for modeling DAS28 scores and competing risk informative drop out. The motivating example is a clinical trial of Etanercept and Methotrexate with radiographic Patient Outcomes (TEMPO, Keystone et.al).


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