A 3D Mesh Based Approach to In Home Safe Walking Spaces for Older Adults

by   Aaron S. Crandall, et al.

Falling continues to be a significant risk factor for older adults and other mobility limited individuals. Monitoring and maintaining clear, tripping hazard free pathways in living spaces is invaluable in helping people live independently and safely in their home. This paper proposes and demonstrates a Microsoft HoloLens-based technology for monitoring the open walking areas in living spaces. The system is based on the 3D mesh produced by the HoloLens augmented reality device. Several algorithms were implemented and evaluated to handle the noisy raw mesh to help identify all possible floor spaces. The resulting 3D model of the home was then processed to find United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) approved pathways through the homes. The long term goals of these technologies are to monitor the living spaces clutter and clear walkways over time. The information it generates shall be provided to the residents and their caregivers during environmental home assessments. It will inform them about how well the home is being maintained so proactive interventions may be taken before a fall occurs.


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