A 1D-CNN Based Deep Learning Technique for Sleep Apnea Detection in IoT Sensors

by   Arlene John, et al.

Internet of Things (IoT) enabled wearable sensors for health monitoring are widely used to reduce the cost of personal healthcare and improve quality of life. The sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome, characterized by the abnormal reduction or pause in breathing, greatly affects the quality of sleep of an individual. This paper introduces a novel method for apnea detection (pause in breathing) from electrocardiogram (ECG) signals obtained from wearable devices. The novelty stems from the high resolution of apnea detection on a second-by-second basis, and this is achieved using a 1-dimensional convolutional neural network for feature extraction and detection of sleep apnea events. The proposed method exhibits an accuracy of 99.56 sensitivity of 96.05 state-of-the-art apnea detection methods. The complexity of the proposed model is analyzed. We also analyze the feasibility of model pruning and binarization to reduce the resource requirements on a wearable IoT device. The pruned model with 80% sparsity exhibited an accuracy of 97.34 The binarized model exhibited an accuracy of 75.59 The performance of low complexity patient-specific models derived from the generic model is also studied to analyze the feasibility of retraining existing models to fit patient-specific requirements. The patient-specific models on average exhibited an accuracy of 97.79 code for this work is made publicly available.


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