3D Compton scattering imaging: study of the spectrum and contour reconstruction
3D Compton scattering imaging is an upcoming concept focusing on exploiting the photons scattered, following on from the so-called Compton effect, by the atomic structure of an object under study. This phenomenon rules the collision of particles with electrons and describes their energy loss after scattering. Consequently, a monochromatic source leads to a polychromatic response on the camera. Assuming the camera to collect continuously the photons in terms of energy, we model the measured spectrum for first- and second-order scattering. The second-order scattered radiation reveals itself to be structurally smoother than the radiation of first-order. Therefore, the contours of the electron density are essentially encoded within the first-order scattering radiation and can be recovered from the full spectrum using a filtered backprojection kind inversion technique. Our main results, modeling and reconstruction scheme, are successfully implemented on synthetic and Monte-Carlo data.