2D3D-MATR: 2D-3D Matching Transformer for Detection-free Registration between Images and Point Clouds

by   Minhao Li, et al.

The commonly adopted detect-then-match approach to registration finds difficulties in the cross-modality cases due to the incompatible keypoint detection and inconsistent feature description. We propose, 2D3D-MATR, a detection-free method for accurate and robust registration between images and point clouds. Our method adopts a coarse-to-fine pipeline where it first computes coarse correspondences between downsampled patches of the input image and the point cloud and then extends them to form dense correspondences between pixels and points within the patch region. The coarse-level patch matching is based on transformer which jointly learns global contextual constraints with self-attention and cross-modality correlations with cross-attention. To resolve the scale ambiguity in patch matching, we construct a multi-scale pyramid for each image patch and learn to find for each point patch the best matching image patch at a proper resolution level. Extensive experiments on two public benchmarks demonstrate that 2D3D-MATR outperforms the previous state-of-the-art P2-Net by around 20 percentage points on inlier ratio and over 10 points on registration recall. Our code and models are available at https://github.com/minhaolee/2D3DMATR.


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