With a fast developing pace of geographic applications, automatable and
Self-supervised learning of egomotion and depth has recently attracted g...
Recently, knowledge-enhanced pre-trained language models (KEPLMs) improv...
Distant supervision assumes that any sentence containing the same entity...
Knowledge-Enhanced Pre-trained Language Models (KEPLMs) are pre-trained
Recently, the performance of Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) has been...
Precise geolocalization is crucial for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).
Dynamic graph modeling has recently attracted much attention due to its
Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) aims to extract answers to questions...
Pre-trained neural language models bring significant improvement for var...
Lexical relations describe how concepts are semantically related, in the...
Despite their success, existing meta reinforcement learning methods stil...
Graph representation learning, aiming to learn low-dimensional
Dynamic treatment recommendation systems based on large-scale electronic...