At the core of each blockchain system, parties communicate through a
Catalyzed by the popularity of blockchain technology, there has recently...
Payment channel networks (PCNs) enhance the scalability of blockchains b...
Attacks on Federated Learning (FL) can severely reduce the quality of th...
Existing centralised market places such as Ebay enable companies to gath...
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are increasingly adopted by the
Due to its high efficiency, routing based on greedy embeddings of rooted...
The system shows the error of "Bad character(s) in field Abstract" for n...
Shapley Value is commonly adopted to measure and incentivize client
Payment channels networks drastically increase the throughput and hence
Federated Learning is an emerging distributed collaborative learning par...
Payment channel networks (PCN) enable scalable blockchain transactions
Route-restricted overlays are peer-to-peer networks where each node can ...