Dynamic programming on various graph decompositions is one of the most
For each d≤3, we construct a finite set F_d of multigraphs such that
We investigate the twin-width of the Erdős-Rényi random graph G(n,p).
A proper coloring of a graph is proper conflict-free if every
Bonnet, Kim, Thomassé, and Watrigant (2020) introduced the twin-width of...
Tree-width and its linear variant path-width play a central role for the...
A graph G is an ℓ-leaf power of a tree T if V(G) is equal to the
set of ...
Shrub-depth and rank-depth are dense analogues of the tree-depth of a gr...
A class G of graphs is χ-bounded if there is a function f
such that for...
Given n subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space over a fixed fini...