Graph embedding has become an increasingly important technique for analy...
Node classification using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has been widely
Extracting cause-effect entities from medical literature is an important...
Query similarity prediction task is generally solved by regression based...
In recent years, plentiful evidence illustrates that Graph Convolutional...
Supervised learning, while deployed in real-life scenarios, often encoun...
Semantic relationships, such as hyponym-hypernym, cause-effect,
Network reliability measures the probability that a target node is reach...
Increasing rates of opioid drug abuse and heightened prevalence of onlin...
Network embedding methodologies, which learn a distributed vector
In a dynamic network, the neighborhood of the vertices evolve across
The name disambiguation task partitions a collection of records pertaini...
In real-world, our DNA is unique but many people share names. This pheno...
Vector representation of sentences is important for many text processing...
Link prediction, or predicting the likelihood of a link in a knowledge g...
The smallest eigenvalues and the associated eigenvectors (i.e., eigenpai...