The assessment of cybersecurity Capture-The-Flag (CTF) exercises involve...
In the seller-buyer setting on machine learning models, the seller gener...
Given a poorly documented neural network model, we take the perspective ...
Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. In this pape...
Neural networks are susceptible to data inference attacks such as the
Blockchain systems are designed, built and operated in the presence of
With recent advances in machine learning, researchers are now able to so...
Private decision tree evaluation (PDTE) allows a decision tree holder to...
Machine learning models are vulnerable to adversarial attacks. In this p...
The recent advancements in machine learning have led to a wave of intere...
DDoS attacks are simple, effective, and still pose a significant threat ...
We introduce the problem of explaining graph generation, formulated as
Neural networks are susceptible to data inference attacks such as the mo...
The concept of Capture the Flag (CTF) games for practicing cybersecurity...
Many machine learning adversarial attacks find adversarial samples of a
Data privacy is unarguably of extreme importance. Nonetheless, there exi...
The rise of machine learning as a service and model sharing platforms ha...
Adversarial attacks on convolutional neural networks (CNN) have gained
Trusted Execution Environment, or enclave, promises to protect data
The rise of deep learning technique has raised new privacy concerns abou...
The cloud computing paradigm offers clients ubiquitous and on demand acc...
As blockchain systems proliferate, there remains an unresolved scalabili...
We propose a flipped-Adversarial AutoEncoder (FAAE) that simultaneously
Communication channel established from a display to a device's camera is...