Despite their unprecedented success, even the largest language models ma...
Incorporating tagging into neural machine translation (NMT) systems has ...
Large language models trained on a mixture of NLP tasks that are convert...
Researchers have devised numerous ways to quantify social biases vested ...
This paper focuses on a referring expression generation (REG) task in wh...
While popular televised events such as presidential debates or TV shows ...
Quality Estimation (QE) models have the potential to change how we evalu...
Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) is a challenging task in the field ...
Few-shot class incremental learning – the problem of updating a trained
We conduct an empirical study of unsupervised neural machine translation...
When journalists cover a news story, they can cover the story from multi...
Current multilingual vision-language models either require a large numbe...
Mirroring is the behavior in which one person subconsciously imitates th...
Hand-built verb clusters such as the widely used Levin classes (Levin, 1...