Zero-shot object navigation is a challenging task for home-assistance ro...
Scene graph generation (SGG) is a sophisticated task that suffers from b...
Ground-to-aerial geolocalization refers to localizing a ground-level que...
Scene graph generation is a sophisticated task because there is no speci...
In this paper, a novel hybrid multi-robot motion planner that can be app...
Our goal is to recover time-delayed latent causal variables and identify...
Visual place recognition is one of the essential and challenging problem...
This work considers the design of online transmission policy in a
Conventional multi-view re-ranking methods usually perform asymmetrical
In recent years, visual question answering (VQA) has become topical. The...
In recent years, visual question answering (VQA) has become topical as a...
The "CNN-RNN" design pattern is increasingly widely applied in a variety...