Recent work has demonstrated the positive impact of incorporating lingui...
Extracting temporal relationships between pairs of events in texts is a
Natural language understanding (NLU) has made massive progress driven by...
Contributing to the literature on aptitude-treatment interactions betwee...
Despite achieving state-of-the-art accuracy on temporal ordering of even...
Recent work on entity coreference resolution (CR) follows current trends...
Natural language processing (NLP) research combines the study of univers...
Coreference resolution (CR) is an essential part of discourse analysis. ...
Information extraction from conversational data is particularly challeng...
We tackle the task of adapting event extractors to new domains without
We tackle the task of building supervised event trigger identification m...
Medical entity linking is the task of identifying and standardizing conc...
Quantitative reasoning is an important component of reasoning that any
Natural language inference (NLI) is the task of determining if a natural...