Exploding Gradient Problem

Understanding the Exploding Gradient Problem

The exploding gradient problem is a challenge encountered during the training of deep neural networks, particularly in the context of gradient-based optimization methods such as backpropagation. This issue occurs when the gradients of the network's loss with respect to the parameters (weights) become excessively large. The "explosion" of the gradient can lead to numerical instability and the inability of the network to converge to a suitable solution.

Causes of Exploding Gradients

The root cause of exploding gradients can often be traced back to the network architecture and the choice of activation functions. In deep networks, when multiple layers have weights greater than 1, the gradients can grow exponentially as they propagate back through the network during training. This is exacerbated when using activation functions with outputs that are not bounded, such as the hyperbolic tangent or the sigmoid function.

Another contributing factor is the initialization of the network's weights. If the initial weights are too large, even a small gradient can be amplified through the layers, leading to very large updates during training.

Consequences of Exploding Gradients

When gradients explode, the weight updates during training can become so large that they cause the learning algorithm to overshoot the minima of the loss function. This can result in model parameters diverging to infinity, causing the learning process to fail. The model may exhibit erratic behavior, with the loss becoming NaN (not a number) or Inf (infinity), and the model's predictions becoming meaningless.

Detecting Exploding Gradients

Detecting exploding gradients can be done by monitoring the gradients or the updates during training. If the gradients or weight updates are several orders of magnitude larger than expected, it's likely that the network is experiencing the exploding gradient problem. Another indicator is the loss function showing unusually large fluctuations or becoming NaN.

Solutions to the Exploding Gradient Problem

Several strategies can be employed to mitigate the exploding gradient problem:

  • Gradient Clipping: This technique involves setting a threshold value, and if the gradient exceeds this threshold, it is scaled down to keep it within a manageable range. This prevents any single update from being too large.
  • Weight Initialization: Using a proper weight initialization strategy, such as Xavier or He initialization, can help prevent gradients from becoming too large at the start of training.
  • Use of Batch Normalization: Batch normalization can help maintain the output of each layer within a certain range, reducing the risk of exploding gradients.
  • Change of Network Architecture: Simplifying the network architecture or using architectures that are less prone to exploding gradients, such as those with skip connections like ResNet, can be effective.
  • Proper Activation Functions: Using activation functions that are less likely to produce large gradients, such as the ReLU function and its variants, can help control the gradient's magnitude.


The exploding gradient problem is a significant obstacle in the training of deep neural networks, but it is not insurmountable. By understanding the causes and implementing appropriate countermeasures, it is possible to train deep neural networks effectively without encountering instability due to large gradients. As research in deep learning continues to evolve, new methods and best practices are likely to emerge, further mitigating the impact of exploding gradients on neural network training.

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