A decentralized method for making sensor measurements tamper-proof to support open science applications

by   Patrick Wortner, et al.

Open science has become a synonym for modern, digital and inclusive science. Inclusion does not stop at open access. Inclusion also requires transparency through open datasets and the right and ability to take part in the knowledge creation process. This implies new challenges for digital libraries. Citizens should be able to contribute data in a curatable form to advance science. At the same time, this data should be verifiable and attributable to its owner. Our research project focusses on securing and attributing incoming data streams from sensors. Our contribution is twofold. First, we analyze the promises of open science measurement data and point out how Blockchain technology changed the circumstances for data measurement in science projects using sensors. Second, we present an open hardware project capable of securing the integrity of data directly from the source using cryptographic methods. By using inexpensive modular components and open source software, we lower the barrier for participation in open science projects. We show how time series of measurement values using sensors, e.g., temperature, current, and vibration measurements, can be verifiably and immutably stored. The approach we propose enables time series data to be stored in a tamper-proof manner and securely timestamped on a blockchain to prevent any subsequent modification.


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