The Role-Relevance Model for Enhanced Semantic Targeting in Unstructured Text

by   Christopher A. George, et al.

Personalized search provides a potentially powerful tool, however, it is limited due to the large number of roles that a person has: parent, employee, consumer, etc. We present the role-relevance algorithm: a search technique that favors search results relevant to the user's current role. The role-relevance algorithm uses three factors to score documents: (1) the number of keywords each document contains; (2) each document's geographic relevance to the user's role (if applicable); and (3) each document's topical relevance to the user's role (if applicable). Topical relevance is assessed using a novel extension to Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) that allows standard LDA to score document relevance to user-defined topics. Overall results on a pre-labeled corpus show an average improvement in search precision of approximately 20 keyword search alone.


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