The Impact of Racial Distribution in Training Data on Face Recognition Bias: A Closer Look

by   Manideep Kolla, et al.

Face recognition algorithms, when used in the real world, can be very useful, but they can also be dangerous when biased toward certain demographics. So, it is essential to understand how these algorithms are trained and what factors affect their accuracy and fairness to build better ones. In this study, we shed some light on the effect of racial distribution in the training data on the performance of face recognition models. We conduct 16 different experiments with varying racial distributions of faces in the training data. We analyze these trained models using accuracy metrics, clustering metrics, UMAP projections, face quality, and decision thresholds. We show that a uniform distribution of races in the training datasets alone does not guarantee bias-free face recognition algorithms and how factors like face image quality play a crucial role. We also study the correlation between the clustering metrics and bias to understand whether clustering is a good indicator of bias. Finally, we introduce a metric called racial gradation to study the inter and intra race correlation in facial features and how they affect the learning ability of the face recognition models. With this study, we try to bring more understanding to an essential element of face recognition training, the data. A better understanding of the impact of training data on the bias of face recognition algorithms will aid in creating better datasets and, in turn, better face recognition systems.


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