Predicting Respiratory Anomalies and Diseases Using Deep Learning Models

by   Lam Pham, et al.

In this paper, robust deep learning frameworks are introduced, aims to detect respiratory diseases from respiratory sound inputs. The entire processes firstly begins with a front-end feature extraction that transforms recordings into spectrograms. Next, a back-end deep learning model classifies the spectrogram features into categories of respiratory disease or anomaly. Experiments are conducted over the ICBHI benchmark dataset of respiratory sounds. According to obtained experimental results, we make three main contributions toward lung-sound analysis: Firstly, we provide an extensive analysis on common factors (type of spectrogram, time resolution, cycle length, or data augmentation, etc.) that affect final prediction accuracy in a deep learning based system. Secondly, we propose novel deep learning based frameworks by using the most influencing factors indicated. As a result, the proposed deep learning frameworks outperforms state of the art methods. Finally, we successfully to apply the Teacher-Student scheme to solve the trade-off between model performance and model size that helps to increase ability of building real-time applications.


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