On the Benefits of Semi-Supervised Test Case Generation for Cyber-Physical Systems

by   Xiao Ling, et al.

Testing complex Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) can be expensive and time consuming. Current state-of-the-art methods that explore this problem are fully-supervised; i.e. they require that all examples are labeled. On the other hand, the GenClu system (introduced in this paper) takes a semi-supervised approach; i.e. (a) only a small subset of information is actually labeled (via simulation) and (b) those labels are then spread across the rest of the data. When applied to five open-source CPSs, GenClu's test generation can be multiple orders of magnitude faster than the prior state of the art. Further, when assessed via mutation testing, tests generated by GenClu were as good or better than anything else tested here. Hence, we recommend semi-supervised methods over prior methods (evolutionary search and fully-supervised learning).


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