Noise-Augmented Privacy-Preserving Empirical Risk Minimization with Dual-purpose Regularizer and Privacy Budget Retrieval and Recycling

by   Yinan Li, et al.

We propose Noise-Augmented Privacy-Preserving Empirical Risk Minimization (NAPP-ERM) that solves ERM with differential privacy guarantees. Existing privacy-preserving ERM approaches may be subject to over-regularization with the employment of an l2 term to achieve strong convexity on top of the target regularization. NAPP-ERM improves over the current approaches and mitigates over-regularization by iteratively realizing target regularization through appropriately designed augmented data and delivering strong convexity via a single adaptively weighted dual-purpose l2 regularizer. When the target regularization is for variable selection, we propose a new regularizer that achieves both privacy and sparsity guarantees simultaneously. Finally, we propose a strategy to retrieve privacy budget when the strong convexity requirement is met, which can be returned to users such that the DP of ERM is guaranteed at a lower privacy cost than originally planned, or be recycled to the ERM optimization procedure to reduce the injected DP noise and improve the utility of DP-ERM. From an implementation perspective, NAPP-ERM can be achieved by optimizing a non-perturbed object function given noise-augmented data and can thus leverage existing tools for non-private ERM optimization. We illustrate through extensive experiments the mitigation effect of the over-regularization and private budget retrieval by NAPP-ERM on variable selection and prediction.


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