Hybrid hyperinterpolation over general regions

by   Congpei An, et al.

We present an ℓ^2_2+ℓ_1-regularized discrete least squares approximation over general regions under assumptions of hyperinterpolation, named hybrid hyperinterpolation. Hybrid hyperinterpolation, using a soft thresholding operator and a filter function to shrink the Fourier coefficients approximated by a high-order quadrature rule of a given continuous function with respect to some orthonormal basis, is a combination of Lasso and filtered hyperinterpolations. Hybrid hyperinterpolation inherits features of them to deal with noisy data once the regularization parameter and the filter function are chosen well. We not only provide L_2 errors in theoretical analysis for hybrid hyperinterpolation to approximate continuous functions with noise and noise-free, but also decompose L_2 errors into three exact computed terms with the aid of a prior regularization parameter choices rule. This rule, making fully use of coefficients of hyperinterpolation to choose a regularization parameter, reveals that L_2 errors for hybrid hyperinterpolation sharply decline and then slowly increase when the sparsity of coefficients ranges from one to large values. Numerical examples show the enhanced performance of hybrid hyperinterpolation when regularization parameters and noise vary. Theoretical L_2 errors bounds are verified in numerical examples on the interval, the unit-disk, the unit-sphere and the unit-cube, the union of disks.


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