Doctors Handwritten Prescription Recognition System In Multi Language Using Deep Learning

by   Pavithiran G, et al.

Doctors typically write in incomprehensible handwriting, making it difficult for both the general public and some pharmacists to understand the medications they have prescribed. It is not ideal for them to write the prescription quietly and methodically because they will be dealing with dozens of patients every day and will be swamped with work.As a result, their handwriting is illegible. This may result in reports or prescriptions consisting of short forms and cursive writing that a typical person or pharmacist won't be able to read properly, which will cause prescribed medications to be misspelled. However, some individuals are accustomed to writing prescriptions in regional languages because we all live in an area with a diversity of regional languages. It makes analyzing the content much more challenging. So, in this project, we'll use a recognition system to build a tool that can translate the handwriting of physicians in any language. This system will be made into an application which is fully autonomous in functioning. As the user uploads the prescription image the program will pre-process the image by performing image pre-processing, and word segmentations initially before processing the image for training. And it will be done for every language we require the model to detect. And as of the deduction model will be made using deep learning techniques including CNN, RNN, and LSTM, which are utilized to train the model. To match words from various languages that will be written in the system, Unicode will be used. Furthermore, fuzzy search and market basket analysis are employed to offer an end result that will be optimized from the pharmaceutical database and displayed to the user as a structured output.


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