Computer and Internet Literacy Course of the College of Computer Science for the Municipality of Agoo, La Union

by   Clarisa V. Albarillo, et al.

The main objective of the study is to provide ICT awareness, literacy and skills development to the barangay officials of Agoo, La Union. Specifically, it aimed the following objectives: 1) to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of personal information, educational background and availability of computer unit and background in using computer; 2) to determine the effectiveness of the CILC in terms of services delivered, timeliness of the service, and improvement on the computer and internet knowledge of the trainees; and 3) to determine the level of relevance of the training sessions of the CILC. The study used a descriptive design. Data were gathered by using survey questionnaire and were analyzed by using statistical treatments such as frequency count, percentage and mean. As to the profile of the trainees, the study found that most of the trainees are female (88 56 background, many are high school graduate (n= 17; 68 them (84 at the high level of effectiveness (4.67) in terms of services delivered and is much relevant (4.45) in terms of its relevance.


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