ASR Rescoring and Confidence Estimation with ELECTRA

by   Hayato Futami, et al.

In automatic speech recognition (ASR) rescoring, the hypothesis with the fewest errors should be selected from the n-best list using a language model (LM). However, LMs are usually trained to maximize the likelihood of correct word sequences, not to detect ASR errors. We propose an ASR rescoring method for directly detecting errors with ELECTRA, which is originally a pre-training method for NLP tasks. ELECTRA is pre-trained to predict whether each word is replaced by BERT or not, which can simulate ASR error detection on large text corpora. To make this pre-training closer to ASR error detection, we further propose an extended version of ELECTRA called phone-attentive ELECTRA (P-ELECTRA). In the pre-training of P-ELECTRA, each word is replaced by a phone-to-word conversion model, which leverages phone information to generate acoustically similar words. Since our rescoring method is optimized for detecting errors, it can also be used for word-level confidence estimation. Experimental evaluations on the Librispeech and TED-LIUM2 corpora show that our rescoring method with ELECTRA is competitive with conventional rescoring methods with faster inference. ELECTRA also performs better in confidence estimation than BERT because it can learn to detect inappropriate words not only in fine-tuning but also in pre-training.


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