Ilya Sutskever
Ilya Sutskever is an informatics scientist who works in the field of machine learning and currently serves as OpenAI’s Chief Scientist. He is the co-inventor of the renowned neural network AlexNet. He and Oriol Vinyals and Quoc Le invented Sequence to Sequence Learning. Sutskever is also AlphaGo and TensorFlow co-inventor.
Sutskever obtained his B.Sc, M.Sc, and Ph.D. in computer science from the Department of Computer Science at the University of Toronto, under Geoffrey Hinton’s supervision.
After graduating in 2012, Sutskever spent two months at Stanford University as a postdoc with Andrew Ng. He then returned to the University of Toronto and joined the new Hinton research group DNNResearch. Google acquired DNNResearch four months later, in March 2013 and employed Sutskever as a Google Brain research scientist. At Google Brain, Sutskever worked with Oriol Vinyals and Quoc Le on sequence by sequence learning algorithms.
In 2015, Sutskever had been nominated for the MIT Technology Review 35 Innovators Under 35. At the end of 2015, Sutskever left Google to be the Director of the newly founded OpenAI Institute.