Quickly and reliably finding accurate inverse kinematics (IK) solutions
The small size, high dexterity, and intrinsic compliance of continuum ro...
Autonomous manipulation systems operating in domains where human interve...
Quickly and reliably finding accurate inverse kinematics (IK) solutions
We describe first steps towards a system for automated triangle construc...
In order to be able to apply graph isomorphism checking within interacti...
Inverse kinematics (IK) is the problem of finding robot joint configurat...
Solving the inverse kinematics problem is a fundamental challenge in mot...
Articulated robots such as manipulators increasingly must operate in
The majority of inverse kinematics (IK) algorithms search for solutions ...
The International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) is perhaps the most celebr...
Learning or identifying dynamics from a sequence of high-dimensional
Supervised imitation learning, also known as behavior cloning, suffers f...
Inverse kinematics is a fundamental problem for articulated robots: fast...
A significant challenge in manipulation motion planning is to ensure agi...
Estimating unknown rotations from noisy measurements is an important ste...
The Frankl's conjecture, formulated in 1979. and still open, states that...
A significant challenge in motion planning is to avoid being in or near
We present a novel approach for mobile manipulator self-calibration usin...
There are several approaches for using computers in deriving mathematica...
Many different approaches for solving Constraint Satisfaction Problems (...
The importance of algorithm portfolio techniques for SAT has long been n...