Despite the remarkable success of deep learning systems over the last de...
Independently trained machine learning models tend to learn similar feat...
Foundation models have taken over natural language processing and image
Unsupervised anomaly detection in medical imaging aims to detect and loc...
The ability to estimate how a tumor might evolve in the future could hav...
Neural Processes (NPs) are a family of conditional generative models tha...
This manuscript describes the first challenge on Federated Learning, nam...
Through training on unlabeled data, anomaly detection has the potential ...
Variational Auto-Encoders have often been used for unsupervised pretrain...
An assumption-free automatic check of medical images for potentially ove...
Unsupervised learning can leverage large-scale data sources without the ...
The U-Net was presented in 2015. With its straight-forward and successfu...
Purpose: Due to the breakthrough successes of deep learning-based soluti...