Using Wavelets and Spectral Methods to Study Patterns in Image-Classification Datasets

by   Roozbeh Yousefzadeh, et al.

Deep learning models extract, before a final classification layer, features or patterns which are key for their unprecedented advantageous performance. However, the process of complex nonlinear feature extraction is not well understood, a major reason why interpretation, adversarial robustness, and generalization of deep neural nets are all open research problems. In this paper, we use wavelet transformation and spectral methods to analyze the contents of image classification datasets, extract specific patterns from the datasets and find the associations between patterns and classes. We show that each image can be written as the summation of a finite number of rank-1 patterns in the wavelet space, providing a low rank approximation that captures the structures and patterns essential for learning. Regarding the studies on memorization vs learning, our results clearly reveal disassociation of patterns from classes, when images are randomly labeled. Our method can be used as a pattern recognition approach to understand and interpret learnability of these datasets. It may also be used for gaining insights about the features and patterns that deep classifiers learn from the datasets.


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