Towards High-Resolution Salient Object Detection

by   Yi Zeng, et al.

Deep neural network based methods have made a significant breakthrough in salient object detection. However, they are typically limited to input images with low resolutions (400×400 pixels or less). Little effort has been made to train deep neural networks to directly handle salient object detection in very high-resolution images. This paper pushes forward high-resolution saliency detection, and contributes a new dataset, named High-Resolution Salient Object Detection (HRSOD). To our best knowledge, HRSOD is the first high-resolution saliency detection dataset to date. As another contribution, we also propose a novel approach, which incorporates both global semantic information and local high-resolution details, to address this challenging task. More specifically, our approach consists of a Global Semantic Network (GSN), a Local Refinement Network (LRN) and a Global-Local Fusion Network (GLFN). GSN extracts the global semantic information based on down-sampled entire image. Guided by the results of GSN, LRN focuses on some local regions and progressively produces high-resolution predictions. GLFN is further proposed to enforce spatial consistency and boost performance. Experiments illustrate that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on high-resolution saliency datasets by a large margin, and achieves comparable or even better performance than them on widely-used saliency benchmarks. The HRSOD dataset is available at


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