Task-Oriented Human-Object Interactions Generation with Implicit Neural Representations

by   Quanzhou Li, et al.

Digital human motion synthesis is a vibrant research field with applications in movies, AR/VR, and video games. Whereas methods were proposed to generate natural and realistic human motions, most only focus on modeling humans and largely ignore object movements. Generating task-oriented human-object interaction motions in simulation is challenging. For different intents of using the objects, humans conduct various motions, which requires the human first to approach the objects and then make them move consistently with the human instead of staying still. Also, to deploy in downstream applications, the synthesized motions are desired to be flexible in length, providing options to personalize the predicted motions for various purposes. To this end, we propose TOHO: Task-Oriented Human-Object Interactions Generation with Implicit Neural Representations, which generates full human-object interaction motions to conduct specific tasks, given only the task type, the object, and a starting human status. TOHO generates human-object motions in three steps: 1) it first estimates the keyframe poses of conducting a task given the task type and object information; 2) then, it infills the keyframes and generates continuous motions; 3) finally, it applies a compact closed-form object motion estimation to generate the object motion. Our method generates continuous motions that are parameterized only by the temporal coordinate, which allows for upsampling or downsampling of the sequence to arbitrary frames and adjusting the motion speeds by designing the temporal coordinate vector. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This work takes a step further toward general human-scene interaction simulation.


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