Recommendation system using a deep learning and graph analysis approach

by   Mahdi Kherad, et al.

When a user connects to the Internet to fulfill his needs, he often encounters a huge amount of related information. Recommender systems are the techniques for massively filtering information and offering the items that users find them satisfying and interesting. The advances in machine learning methods, especially deep learning, have led to great achievements in recommender systems, although these systems still suffer from challenges such as cold-start and sparsity problems. To solve these problems, context information such as user communication network is usually used. In this paper, we have proposed a novel recommendation method based on Matrix Factorization and graph analysis methods, namely Louvain for community detection and HITS for finding the most important node within the trust network. In addition, we leverage deep Autoencoders to initialize users and items latent factors, and the Node2vec deep embedding method gathers users' latent factors from the user trust graph. The proposed method is implemented on Ciao and Epinions standard datasets. The experimental results and comparisons demonstrate that the proposed approach is superior to the existing state-of-the-art recommendation methods. Our approach outperforms other comparative methods and achieves great improvements, i.e., 15.56 improvement for Ciao.


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