Predictive inference with Fleming–Viot-driven dependent Dirichlet processes

by   Filippo Ascolani, et al.

We consider predictive inference using a class of temporally dependent Dirichlet processes driven by Fleming–Viot diffusions, which have a natural bearing in Bayesian nonparametrics and lend the resulting family of random probability measures to analytical posterior analysis. Formulating the implied statistical model as a hidden Markov model, we fully describe the predictive distribution induced by these Fleming–Viot-driven dependent Dirichlet processes, for a sequence of observations collected at a certain time given another set of draws collected at several previous times. This is identified as a mixture of Pólya urns, whereby the observations can be values from the baseline distribution or copies of previous draws collected at the same time as in the usual Pòlya urn, or can be sampled from a random subset of the data collected at previous times. We characterise the time-dependent weights of the mixture which select such subsets and discuss the asymptotic regimes. We describe the induced partition by means of a Chinese restaurant process metaphor with a conveyor belt, whereby new customers who do not sit at an occupied table open a new table by picking a dish either from the baseline distribution or from a time-varying offer available on the conveyor belt. We lay out explicit algorithms for exact and approximate posterior sampling of both observations and partitions, and illustrate our results on predictive problems with synthetic and real data.


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