Phish-IRIS: A New Approach for Vision Based Brand Prediction of Phishing Web Pages via Compact Visual Descriptors

by   Firat Coskun Dalgic, et al.

Phishing, a continuously growing cyber threat, aims to obtain innocent users' credentials by deceiving them via presenting fake web pages which mimic their legitimate targets. To date, various attempts have been carried out in order to detect phishing pages. In this study, we treat the problem of phishing web page identification as an image classification task and propose a machine learning augmented pure vision based approach which extracts and classifies compact visual features from web page screenshots. For this purpose, we employed several MPEG7 and MPEG7-like compact visual descriptors (SCD, CLD, CEDD, FCTH and JCD) to reveal color and edge based discriminative visual cues. Throughout the feature extraction process we have followed two different schemes working on either whole screenshots in a "holistic" manner or equal sized "patches" constructing a coarse-to-fine "pyramidal" representation. Moreover, for the task of image classification, we have built SVM and Random Forest based machine learning models. In order to assess the performance and generalization capability of the proposed approach, we have collected a mid-sized corpus covering 14 distinct brands and involving 2852 samples. According to the conducted experiments, our approach reaches up to 90.5 result, compared to other studies, the suggested approach presents a lightweight schema serving competitive accuracy and superior feature extraction and inferring speed that enables it to be used as a browser plugin.


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