Examining the Use of Temporal-Difference Incremental Delta-Bar-Delta for Real-World Predictive Knowledge Architectures

by   Johannes Günther, et al.

Predictions and predictive knowledge have seen recent success in improving not only robot control but also other applications ranging from industrial process control to rehabilitation. A property that makes these predictive approaches well suited for robotics is that they can be learned online and incrementally through interaction with the environment. However, a remaining challenge for many prediction-learning approaches is an appropriate choice of prediction-learning parameters, especially parameters that control the magnitude of a learning machine's updates to its predictions (the learning rate or step size). To begin to address this challenge, we examine the use of online step-size adaptation using a sensor-rich robotic arm. Our method of choice, Temporal-Difference Incremental Delta-Bar-Delta (TIDBD), learns and adapts step sizes on a feature level; importantly, TIDBD allows step-size tuning and representation learning to occur at the same time. We show that TIDBD is a practical alternative for classic Temporal-Difference (TD) learning via an extensive parameter search. Both approaches perform comparably in terms of predicting future aspects of a robotic data stream. Furthermore, the use of a step-size adaptation method like TIDBD appears to allow a system to automatically detect and characterize common sensor failures in a robotic application. Together, these results promise to improve the ability of robotic devices to learn from interactions with their environments in a robust way, providing key capabilities for autonomous agents and robots.


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