Enhanced image approximation using shifted rank-1 reconstruction

by   Florian Boßmann, et al.

Low rank approximation has been extensively studied in the past. It is most suitable to reproduce rectangular like structures in the data. In this work we introduce a generalization using shifted rank-1 matrices to approximate A∈C^M× N. These matrices are of the form S_λ(uv^*) where u∈C^M, v∈C^N and λ∈Z^N.The operator S_λ circularly shifts the k-th column of uv^* by λ_k. These kind of shifts naturally appear in applications, where an object u is observed in N measurements at different positions indicated by the shift λ. The vector v gives the observation intensity. Exemplary, a seismic wave can be recorded at N sensors with different time of arrival λ; Or a car moves through a video changing its position in every frame. We present theoretical results as well as an efficient algorithm to calculate a shifted rank-1 approximation in O(NM M). The benefit of the proposed method is demonstrated in numerical experiments. A comparison to other sparse approximation methods is given. Finally, we illustrate the utility of the extracted parameters for direct information extraction in several applications including video processing or non-destructive testing.


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