Distance-based and RKHS-based Dependence Metrics in High Dimension
In this paper, we study distance covariance, Hilbert-Schmidt covariance (aka Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion [Gretton et al. (2008)]) and related independence tests under the high dimensional scenario. We show that the sample distance/Hilbert-Schmidt covariance between two random vectors can be approximated by the sum of squared componentwise sample cross-covariances up to an asymptotically constant factor, which indicates that the distance/Hilbert-Schmidt covariance based test can only capture linear dependence in high dimension. As a consequence, the distance correlation based t-test developed by Szekely and Rizzo (2013) for independence is shown to have trivial limiting power when the two random vectors are nonlinearly dependent but component-wisely uncorrelated. This new and surprising phenomenon, which seems to be discovered for the first time, is further confirmed in our simulation study. As a remedy, we propose tests based on an aggregation of marginal sample distance/Hilbert-Schmidt covariances and show their superior power behavior against their joint counterparts in simulations. We further extend the distance correlation based t-test to those based on Hilbert-Schmidt covariance and marginal distance/Hilbert-Schmidt covariance. A novel unified approach is developed to analyze the studentized sample distance/Hilbert-Schmidt covariance as well as the studentized sample marginal distance covariance under both null and alternative hypothesis. Our theoretical and simulation results shed light on the limitation of distance/Hilbert-Schmidt covariance when used jointly in the high dimensional setting and suggest the aggregation of marginal distance/Hilbert-Schmidt covariance as a useful alternative.